As a late/new adopter of your Black Swan Principles (just read it and I am now among your Army of Admirers!), your Absence of Evidence rule is broken every day. From fomites (contaminated surfaces) to food and animals as vectors and vehicles of cross contamination, scant evidence does not prove anything from a health threat perspective. Low probability, high consequence incidents are the cause of loss and harm.

Chrsitopher Eddy BSc., M.P.H., REHS, CP-FS 🗻
Chrsitopher Eddy BSc., M.P.H., REHS, CP-FS 🗻

Written by Chrsitopher Eddy BSc., M.P.H., REHS, CP-FS 🗻

Public Health, Environmental Health, Quantum Mechanics, Science & Fiction, Former SME ASPR/FEMA/Georgetown University; Professor; Marvel, DC; Content is mine 🗻

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