"criticality accident: The release of energy as a result of accidentally producing a self-sustaining or divergent fission chain reaction. See reaction, fission.

criticality safety: Protection from the consequences of a criticality accident, preferably by prevention of the accident. Encompasses procedures, training, and other precautions in addition to physical protection. See criticality accident." NRC: https://www.nrc.gov/docs/ML0037/ML003731912.pdf

Chrsitopher Eddy BSc., M.P.H., REHS, CP-FS 🗻
Chrsitopher Eddy BSc., M.P.H., REHS, CP-FS 🗻

Written by Chrsitopher Eddy BSc., M.P.H., REHS, CP-FS 🗻

Public Health, Environmental Health, Quantum Mechanics, Science & Fiction, Former SME ASPR/FEMA/Georgetown University; Professor; Marvel, DC; Content is mine 🗻

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